Message: Re: Hype is not what we need at this time..

You always seem to be very crochety, is that why you chose your avatar that looks like Scrooge? LOL. Okay, what they were trying to get across to us at the meeting was that they are still going after the infringers, but that Marcia K. set them back a little. They also said that the reason they are not pushing it with her is because they want to settle with the rest of the infringers in this round, get a positive re-exam, and then get to a different venue other than Colorado where they are 100% sure they are not going to get anything beneficial. The plan is still to go after the rest of the infringers, we just need a bigger gun "The patent re-exam."

I also, "feel" that they were trying to move past that a little and address the fact that they are trying to make this company something more than just a little patent troll, my words not theirs. I hear people complaining when we don't try to sell something new, and then when we are trying to do that, we complain about them not going after the infringers.

They are still doing both, if you don't want to wait around to see what happens, now is as good a time as any to sell and move on, all IMHO only. Finally, we went to the meeting to try and get as much info as possible, they gave us what they wanted to give us. You are free to pick up the phone, or tap the keys and communicate with the management team at any time. Don't make us out like we are the bad guys, we were trying to report what we honestly felt and saw.

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