Message: Re: Hype is not what we need at this time..last word and then I'm done

Once again not cheer leading just reporting back what I heard at the meeting and what my take was on it. I am not asking anyone here to make an investment decision based on my opinion. tteddy, I don't like the fact that you are trying to insinuate that you have been here longer than me, because I was an original investor in Norris Communications before it was ever eDigital back in 1992. I to want answers about my investment, and since I have been an investment representative as part of my career path that went sideways for a while, I am overly sensitive to people pushing stocks for no good reason.

My buttons, as you say were not pushed, it would take a lot more than that to get me riled up. What bugs me is people like you who will complain endlessly about the stock, hate on guys like me who try to report, but just hang on to the bitter end cursing all the way. I never used a curse word in any of my posts, and the fact that you did, makes me feel like you are really angry about being invested in eDigital.

The same thing goes for jtdii, I mean he sold all of his shares, yet he comes back to try and sew discord, why? All I'm saying is your in or your out, but let us who still want to believe have our moment. Now if you truly want answers, pick up the phone and call Fred and get them.

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