Message: Re: Hype is not what we need at this time..last word and then I'm done

tteddy1, I too am frustrated with EDIG and their "accomplishments" over the years. I would love to get some real answers and see some PPS moving results but alas, nay. The company often remains silent due to NDA's or competing companies or legal advice or ______________ (fill in the blank).

However, I just HATE complaining. HATE. I'm using the word HATE here (spoken in my best Jack Nicholson voice) to describe how much I HATE complaining. In the military, I was taught to find solutions to problems, not just sit around and whine about them. Whiners just rub me the wrong way because it's the easy way out... and they give me a headache.

We have invested in an OTC company with a poor track record, but unless you want to lose a lot of money by selling, you have to hold and hope EDIG comes through. The money I've invested to buy my 54K shares is not affecting my life. Would I like to get it back...and with a bet! But I understand investing is risky and I'm willing to live with the consequences of my decisions. And without complaining.

Take care...and good luck with your new business.

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